晏子,名婴,齐国夷维(今山东省高密县)人,生年不可考,卒于公元前500年。他出身世家,年轻时就从政。其父晏弱去世后,他继任齐卿,历仕灵、庄、景三朝,长达五十四年。晏子是我国历史上有名的“智者”,他在世的时候正值齐国不断走向衰落的年代,国君昏聩,权臣把持朝政,外有秦、楚之患,内有天怒人怨之忧。晏婴凭借着自己的聪明才智,尽力补天,力挽狂澜,使齐国在诸侯各国中赢得了应有的地位,他本人也成为齐国历史上与大政治家管仲并称的名相。Collected Poems 1909-1962
'Each year Eliot's presence reasserts itself at a deeper level, to an audience that is surprised to find itself more chastened, more astonished, more humble.' Ted Hughes Poet, dramatist, critic and editor, T. S. Eliot was one of the defining figures of twentieth-century poetry. This edition of Collected Poems 1909-1962 includes his verse from Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) to Four Quartets (1943), and includes such literary landmarks as The Waste Land and Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats.