Step by Step
A disturbingly prophetic account of the events leading up to World War II, this anthology is a collection of Churchill's reporting for the Daily Telegraph and the Evening Standard from 1936 to 1939—tracing Hitler's rise to power, the Nazi invasion of the Rhineland, and other events leading up to the declaration of war.In the first few years of Nazi ascendance, many European intellectuals and leaders advocated avoiding war and negotiating with Hitler. Churchill is one of the few who understood the scope of the Nazi threat and advocated armament against Germany early on—and his early prescience serves as a fine prediction of his determined stance against Hitler as a World War II leader and statesman.天龙八部(第二卷)(纯文字新修版)
《天龙八部》一书以北宋、辽、西夏、大理并立的历史为宏大背景,将儒释道、琴棋书画等中国传统文化融会贯通其中,书中人物繁多,个性鲜明,情节离奇,尽显芸芸众生百态。丐帮帮主乔峰与大理国王子段誉、少林弟子虚竹结为兄弟。他身为大宋武林第一大帮帮主,发现自己竟是契丹人,虽受尽中原武林人士唾弃而不肯以怨报怨;他身为辽国南院大王,却甘愿背上叛族罪名,最终以悲壮的自杀来阻止辽国发兵攻宋,不愧为顶天立地的大英雄。左手民国课文 右手民国作文
《左手民国课文 右手民国作文(小学卷)(经典珍藏版)》从民国从《开明国语课本》《商务国语课本》《世界书局国语读本》等多个版本的老课本中,甄选出99篇极具童趣、童真,意境优美、文字活泼的老课文,同时在每篇老课文后面配一篇民国模范作文,二者编排相得益彰,全书图文并茂,读来颇为有趣。孤城女帝不持国