Haw Lantern
Widely and justly celebrated for his flawless handling of the lyric, Seamus Heaney is here shown venturing into new imaginative territory. Poems exploring the theme of loss, and in particular a sonnet sequence concerning the death of the poet's mother, are joined in The Haw Lantern by meditations on the conscience of the writer and exercises in an allegorical vein that will both surprise and delight the many admirers of his previous work. 'More than other poet since Wordsworth he can make us understand that the outside world is not outside, but what we are made of.' John Carey, Sunday Times电视断案2002-2004
本书在播出节目选辑汇编的内容以外,还收录了栏目编辑记斱 所见所闻、所思所感。《周末断案》栏目组是一个年轻的群体,绝大多数采编人员因为栏目创办才开始接触电视法制节目的制作。对栏目组来说,记录、见证当下法制进程的过程,也是一个通过学习和思考去参与的过程。书中的“记者手记”部分,正是展现记者介入这一过程而获取的真切体验和鲜活感受。尼采诗选(孙更俊译丛)