朱丹红编写的这本《丁玲:颠沛时光浮生梦》是“倾城才女系列”丛书 中的一册。传主丁玲是我国著名作家、社会活动家,代表作品有《莎菲女士的日记》、《太阳照在桑干河上》等。她一生坎坷,情路几经波折,是一位 富有传奇色彩的人物。《丁玲:颠沛时光浮生梦》感情充沛,以诗意的语言 讲述了丁玲光辉而曲折的人生。步步惊情:小妻哪里逃
千里之外的法国,却遇上了她誓愿守护终生的人。即使被轻视、被厌恶、被毁容,甚至,被当面送给另外的男人,她也不曾后悔过与他的相遇,因为——理想终归是理想,誓言永远是誓言,不得不离别时,她对他,也始终只有那一句美好的祝愿!天之骄子的他自幼便呼风唤雨,因为一切得到的过于轻易,才永远都学不会珍惜,直到失去了,才追悔莫及!他放弃继承权、隐姓埋名、全世界找寻,只想再看一眼那道曾经始终追随在他身后的人影,但是——她的身边,不再只有他一个人的位置,难道他与她的结局,最后只能剩下那句回忆中无限美好的祝愿?I Hated to Do It
For over 40 years, Donald C. Farber was Kurt Vonnegut's attorney, literary agent, and close friend. In this deeply felt memoir, Farber offers a rare portrait of Vonnegut that is both candid and entertaining. A renowned entertainment lawyer with a largely famous clientele and a highly acclaimed author in his own right, Farber provides colorful anecdotes that detail the daily realities of working with Vonnegut from the perspective of the person who knew him best. The millions of fans around the world who mourned Vonnegut's passing will treasure this new and intimate portrait of him, not just as an acclaimed author, but also as a witty, eclectic, and brave personality that contributed greatly to our culture.