本书是一部现代青春派小说。它记录了苏桃和左柠的成长道路以及情感的坎坷。苏桃原是一个性格开朗却有些呆萌蠢的小女孩,在相遇了因为家境原因而性格成熟稳重的左柠过后,经过一系列的事情,最终成长蜕变为一个懂事有理想的上进女。本文由大学生活展开第一副画卷,从学校到社会,向读者们展示出了属于青春的真正味道,或酸或甜,但其中的浓淡,只有在书中一个个小故事中便能有所体会。Prizzi's Honor
Charley Partanna works as a hitman for the Prizzis, New York's most dangerous crime family. Irene Walker does, too--an LA-based tax consultant, she moonlights as a hitwoman. And now she's stolen a large sum of money for the mob--and it's Charley's job to find her. The catch? Charley is married to Irene. Faced with divided loyalties, he must make a choice--between the only family he's ever known and the woman he loves.Prizzi's Honor was made into an award-winning film in 1985 starring Jack Nicholson, Robert Loggia, Kathleen Turner, and Anjelica Huston, who won an Academy Award for her performance. A compelling page-turner fueled by rich characterization and fast-paced prose, this book is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.最后的神话:诗人自杀之谜