《领导统御智慧:中国式管理实践篇》站在人性的高度,立足于中国人的特性,在汲取中国传统文化精髓的基础上,谈自我修炼、安人得人、鉴人用人,将有血有肉的案例与真知灼见融为一体,不仅充满中国式管理智慧,也十分接地气。Door into the Dark
Originally published in 1969, Seamus Heaney's Door into the Dark continues a furrow so startlingly opened in his first collection, Death of a Naturalist (1966). With the sensuosness and physicality of language that would become the hallmark of his early writing, these poems graphically depict the author's rural upbringing, from the local forge to the banks of Lough Neagh, concluding in the preserving waters of the bogland and a look ahead to his next book, Wintering Out (1972).