Where Eagles Nest
Lynn needs her guardian's permission to marry--and his stepson, Paul Loukas, would never let that happen. Still, Lynn craves freedom. And with her options limited, she marries Paul in a desperate bid to gain her freedom.Years ago, Paul was in love with Lynn. And he can still deny her nothing--except the freedom she needs. His kisses fill her with desire, and soon Lynn begins to wonder whether the freedom her heart longs for is the freedom to leave--or stay.公仆的嬗变(马克思主义与当代中国)
本书系统梳理了马克思主义的公仆理论,准确地界定了社会公仆范畴的内涵和外延,清晰地勾画了公仆嬗变的历史轨迹,深入地分析了原始社会公仆特点与职能,揭示了阶级社会公仆异化的条件和实质,展示了中国特色社会主义当代公仆的风采,辩证地指出了公仆的嬗变是一个否定之否定合乎逻辑的历史过程,深入剖析了社会主义一定时期仍然存在的社会公仆嬗变社会主人的土壤和条件,并提出了预防为主、标本兼治的应对措施。本书适应我国新时期廉政建设和反腐败斗争的需要,丰富了马克思主义公仆思想的理论宝库,归纳和升华了马克思主义公仆思想最新理论成果,对新时期廉政建设具有一定的实践价值。The Pursuit of the House-Boat