本书汇集了自荷马以来西方的经典文学、哲学、历史作品中对男人品性和形象的描述,为我们打开了一扇思考男人之道的窗口。通过这扇窗口,读者看到了骑士时代的男子、绅士时代的男子、智慧的男子、家庭中的男子、从政的男子、高尚的男子、美国男子以及后现代的男子,看到他们的勇气、信心、智慧、浪漫、困惑。书中所选,既有对男人品性的哲学和道德思辨,自亚里斯多德到奥古斯丁,到培根,剖析男性美德的细微之处;也有对男人角色的有力辩护,自古罗马的卡托到戴高乐以至肯尼迪,先贤之训诫名言,值得深思;更有对男子形象与模式的生动描摹,自荷马笔下的俄底修斯到中世纪的浪漫骑士,无不是经典男人气质的体现,给人以深刻印象。Transmission (The Invasion Chronicles—Book One): A
"TRANSMISSION is riveting, unexpected, and firmly rooted in strong psychological profiles backed with thriller and sci-fi elements: what more could readers wish for? (Just the quick publication of Book Two, Arrival.)"--Midwest Book ReviewFrom #1 worldwide bestselling fantasy author Morgan Rice comes a long-anticipated science fiction series debut. When SETI finally receives a signal from an alien civilization, what will happen next?A 13 year old boy, dying of a rare brain disease, is the only one able to hear and decode signals from outer space. SETI confirms it is a real signal.What is the message? How will the world react?And most of all: are the aliens coming?"Action-packed …. Rice's writing is solid and the premise intriguing."–Publishers Weekly, re A Quest of Heroes"A superior fantasy… A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists."非常同桌别有用心的同桌计划
陆飞、欧阳子、李小奇……好动、好话话、好做小动作的男生们,大丽 、李小白……可爱、活泼、聪明的小女生们,他们生活学习在一起,会发生哪些好玩的事情呢?读者朋友们快来看看这本《别有用心的同桌计划》,书里收录了《别有用心的“同桌计划”》、《王钟忘成了大狮子》、《当“托”招揽顾客》等好玩的故事。