讲透一代商圣胡雪岩的天才与宿命,影响中国一代企业家的经典!马云读了两遍!胡雪岩传记小说至高经典,其他版本大多是这套书的删减版或改编版。高阳版《胡雪岩全传》出版40年来无可逾越,是商人必备的生存手册。胡雪岩从店伙计到大清巨富花了30年,倾家荡产只花了5天!“有井水处有金庸,有村镇处有高阳。”武侠小说有金庸,历史小说有高阳!高阳的历史小说,注重历史的真实性,又擅长讲故事,读起来轻松畅快,有读者评为“华语历史小说不可逾越的高峰”。翻开本书,看当代历史小说巨匠高阳,重现一代商圣胡雪岩的辉煌与宿命。Struts & Frets
Music is in Sammy's blood. His grandfather was a jazz musician, and Sammy's indie rock band could be huge one day—if they don't self-destruct first. Winning the upcoming Battle of the Bands would justify all their compromises and reassure Sammy that his life's dream could become a reality. But practices are hard to schedule when Sammy's grandfather is sick and getting worse, his mother is too busy to help either of them, and his best friend may want to be his girlfriend. Told in a voice that's honest and wry, Struts & Frets will resonate not only with teenage musicians but also with anyone who ever sat up all night listening to a favorite album, wondering if they'd ever find their place in the world.你值得拥有最好的一切