一套丛书。十年情缘。终身成长。在这个倡导终身学习的时代,在北大、清华等一流学府之外研修来自一流学府的成才课程,已成为学校教育的延伸,并日趋融入主流教育。来自北大、清华、人大、北外、北科大这几所京西毗邻大学里的青年教师们,策划并执笔编撰了《北大清华学得到》这套青年素质教育读物。书中融会了他们在青年学生素质教育中的教学心得和工作经验,很好地体现了知识经济时代“人才”这一称谓的崭新内涵,以及知识经济时代对人才素质的特殊要求。7 Steps to Midnight
Government mathematician Chris Barton lives a routine life—until, at the end of an ordinary workday, he finds his car missing from the employee parking lot. When he finally arrives home, there is a stranger living in his house—a man who claims to be him. Thrust suddenly into a surreal world where the evidence of his senses cannot be trusted and strangers are trying to kill him, Chris must avoid violent assassins while following a trail of cryptic clues to regain his life.