【新文《萌妻嫁到:夫人,乖乖就擒》连载中,多多支持~~~】女主腹黑强大,神武双修,还是全能雨系召唤师,各路神兽纷纷顶礼膜拜!她是二十一世纪的首席特工,一朝穿越,可笑的沦为了举国上下人尽皆知的废物!貌丑无盐,痴傻疯癫,受尽欺凌,人人唾弃!她冷笑一声——废物?让你看看什么叫做天才!痴傻?无声无息弄死你们分分钟的事!丑陋?征服天下第一公子气死绿茶婊们!一生一世一双人,你,给得起么?她眼底冰冷,却分外澄澈!这一世,永永远远,伴你左右。他的眼底,分外认真,盈满了无限宠溺!且看张扬狂妄的她,霸气冷酷的他,如何联手相惜,谱写一曲永不磨灭的盛世年华!【宠文,强强联手!欢迎加入读者交流群:301103562~】Soft Velvet Night
When shy, self-effacing Shivonne takes a position as companion to a wealthy elderly lady, she never dreams her new job will lead to love. But her employer has other plans. She's desperate to distract her handsome son, Kurt, from the cold, arrogant heiress he's currently pursuing with single-minded attention--and she thinks a lovely, soft-spoken Irish girl is just the temptation she needs to get the job done. But Shivonne would never dream of trying to compete with a beautiful heiress. Until she meets Kurt--and falls desperately in love.