创新是一个非常古老的词。在英语里,创新(innovation)一词起源于拉丁语里的“innovare”,意思是更新、制造新的东西或改变。美国总统华盛顿在其1796年的告别演讲中,告诫美国人民要“保持创新精神”。《汉语·叙传下》中也有“礼仪是创”;颜师古注为“创,始造之也。”Selected Poems, 1930-1988
It was as a poet that Samuel Beckett launched himself in the little reviews of 1930s Paris, and as a poet that he ended his career. This new selection, from Whoroscope (1930) to 'what is the word' (1988), describes a lifetime's arc of writing. It was as a poet moreover that Beckett made his first breakthrough into writing in French, and the Selected Poems represents work in both languages, including the sequence of brief but highly crafted mirlitonnades, which did so much to usher in the style of his late prose, and come as close as anything he wrote to honouring the ambition to 'bore one hole after another in language, until what lurks behind it - be it something or nothing - begins to seep through.' Also included are several of Beckett's translations from contemporaries - Apollinaire, Eluard, Michaux, Montale - in versions which count among his own poetic achievements. It is edited by David Wheatley.中国媒介:转型与趋势