作者细细走访海昏侯墓与紫金城,结合大量史料,试图想象出曾经的刘贺在被废为庶民十一年后重又封作海昏侯的那一天,引着一家众小杂踏逶迤朝着这现今的新建行来的时候的心境。作者从刘贺华服玉裹、金衣玉食自在任性地成长和生活写起,直写到霍氏的被诛与废帝刘贺的庶民生活。Magic and Other Misdemeanors (Sisters Grimm #5)
Daphne, Sabrina, and Puck's most magic-filled mysteryThe latest addition to the New York Times bestselling series, which Kirkus Reviews calls "memorable and madcap"In book five of the series, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm are ready to tackle their own case: Who is stealing the magical possessions of the most powerful Everafters in town? With Granny distracted by Mayor Heart's campaign against human residents, the girl detectives are on their own. Puss in Boots (now an exterminator), Cinderella (a radio relationship counselor), Sleeping Beauty (owner of a coffee shop), and their old enemy, Prince Charming, are among the many suspects, and one thing is for certain: The villain's plans mean a grim future for the Grimms—truly!