《罗生门·未来》悬疑教父蔡骏主编,携手国内一流悬疑科幻作家团队共同打造“首部悬疑科幻推理Mook书”。参与创作的作家:除悬疑教父蔡骏外,“雨果奖”获得者刘慈欣、郝景芳,青年小说家哥舒意,中国商业犯罪间谍小说作家永城,“两岸文学PK大赛”首奖得主高普,以及其他优秀青年作家。《罗生门·未来》是蔡骏主编的“罗生门”系列MOOK书,汇集多位*重量级作家参与,不仅有扣人心弦的故事,还有独特多角度的观点碰撞。本书栏目包含【人间世】【罗生门】【谈异录】【经典赏】【深夜食堂】以及【食客说】等。《罗生门·未来》全书覆盖了小说、随笔、访谈、摄影、微小说等多种文体和丰富的表现形式,给你不一样的前沿享受和阅读体验。Misty Gordon and the Mystery of the Ghost Pirates
Here is a funny middle-grade mystery from a bright new fiction talent. Things in the New England town of Ashcrumb are getting weird. Or just weirder. Misty Gordon, whose antique-dealing parents drive a van that says "D.E.A.D." on the side (for "Deceased’s Estate and Antique Dealer"), is accustomed to weird. One day, when accompanying her father to the estate of a recently departed clairvoyant, Misty discovers a notebook and a pair of eyeglasses that enable her to see ghosts! And solve mysteries. With the help of her new powers and her best friend, Yoshi, Misty learns that her hometown was settled not by respectable colonists but by pirates! And the ghosts of the pirates are returning to reclaim a dangerous, powerful treasure they lost centuries ago. Who will find it first, Misty or the pirates?最受感动的励志成才故事(最受学生感动的故事精粹)