“我最大的幸运,不是重活了一次,而是遇见了你。”如果是命运赐予我这双眼瞳,我就用它永远守护你,哀,护你一生,无哀。软糖第一本书,不管成绩如何,软糖绝不弃文,放心入坑。Step by Step
A disturbingly prophetic account of the events leading up to World War II, this anthology is a collection of Churchill's reporting for the Daily Telegraph and the Evening Standard from 1936 to 1939—tracing Hitler's rise to power, the Nazi invasion of the Rhineland, and other events leading up to the declaration of war.In the first few years of Nazi ascendance, many European intellectuals and leaders advocated avoiding war and negotiating with Hitler. Churchill is one of the few who understood the scope of the Nazi threat and advocated armament against Germany early on—and his early prescience serves as a fine prediction of his determined stance against Hitler as a World War II leader and statesman.