《帝国的慢性病》丛书共五册,分别为《大汉的彷徨》《大唐的惆怅》《大宋美袍上的虱子》《冰火大明》《黑白大清》。该系列以通俗的语言讲述了中国历史上几个主要王朝的故事,揭示了封建王朝无可避免的制度性缺陷,并从中汲取教训,引以为鉴。本书围绕清朝的十余桩著名案件,揭示了中国封建社会的最后一个王朝在二百六十余年的历史中,所经历的起起落落及内在的政治弊端。这些案件中,有涉及重大官员的财政案件,如蒋洲亏空案、威宁铅厂案、福建贪腐窝案等,也有与黑暗的政治生态脱不了干系的民间冤案,如合州命案、顺天乡试案、杨乃武小白菜案等。全书文风生动,逻辑性强,提供了翔实的历史资料,是一部值得历史爱好者阅读的作品。The Boy with 17 Senses
Every resident of the planet Yipsmix has synesthesia —they don't just hear sounds; they see and taste them, too. On this unusual planet, poor Jaq Rollop must save his family's farm. To do so, Jaq is forced to sell his beloved pet and only friend. Trusting and wkkk.net, Jaq gets swindled into trading his pet for a seemingly worthless key. But then something very strange happens. The key leads Jaq through a wormhole to a terrifying and magical land full of riches, overwhelming sensations, and giants. The name of this frightening land? Earth. This clever middle-grade fantasy will appeal to fans of the Sisters Grimm, A Tale Dark & Grimm, and the Land of Stories series.