她,花千寻,篮子村传说中的寡妇一名,传说中的儿子一个,破房子一间,锅子一口,锄头一把,薄田二分,母鸡两只,公鸡一只,够穷吧!二嫂看好她家唯一产粮田地一块,大嫂看上她家的那口锅子,三嫂子看上她家的破房子一间,四嫂子是个好人,问她只要十个鸡蛋和一只母鸡,五嫂子跟她是仇人,时常半夜三更冲进她家找人!精彩抢先看:天还没亮,她就听到有人在砸她家隔壁的破墙,她急忙跑出去问。“赵公子说这里他要盖新房,具体的价钱他亲自找你面谈!”做工的工人一面砸着墙,将她偷看了好多眼,一面暗想赵公子这是司马昭之心路人皆知啊。什么?赵西端要来和她做邻居,他想干嘛?还嫌她的名声不够差吗?篮子村唯一的黄金单身汉看上寡妇?她决定有多远躲多远!The Chronicles of Faerie
Dana Faolan, the spunky half-faerie heroine of The Light-Bearer's Daughter, the third book in The Chronicles, has been using her access to the land of Faerie to escape the troubles of being a teenager in a new town. But a dark, mysterious enemy is determined to sever the two worlds forever, thus dooming both. It will take all of Dana's bravery and resourcefulness, plus the help of friends old and new, to save her two homes, especially when it becomes clear that the answer lies in an act of terrible sacrifice. Just as the previous books explored Ireland's rich folkloric history, The Book of Dreams delves into the magical lore of Canada. Melling delivers another "compelling blend of mythology and geography" (School Library Journal, starred review) that will thrill fans of the series.