明确提出,要“继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐”,要“勇于变革、勇于创新,永不僵化、永不停滞,不为任何风险所惧,不被任何干扰所惑。”思想上的不断解放,观念上的不断创新,实践上的不断开拓,使中国特色社会主义事业进入了欣欣向荣的新阶段。An Ocean in Iowa
A funny, bittersweet exploration of how a child can change in one short year of love, loss, and growing up…Seven-year-old Scotty Ocean decides that seven is going to be "his year." But soon after his birthday, his artist-turned-alcoholic mother abandons the family—leaving Scotty and his two older sisters alone with their father. As his perfect year is torn apart (falls apart?), Scotty begins to act out during school and takes a series of increasingly wild actions to try to win his mother back—and, when that doesn't work, to replace her.