成功和精彩,不是某些特定人士的独享物,而是我们每个人都可拥有的,只要你拥有了成功的方法,成功就触手可及。本书讲述播种梦想、树立目标、把握机遇、发掘优点、打造形象、借助外力、练就口才、正确思考、充实才学、挑战失败等操作性极强的方法,为我们步入成就的殿堂提供了成熟的经验。AARP's 5 Secrets to Brain Health
Worried about memory loss? You're not alone. But many experts now believe you can prevent or at least delay that decline--even if you have a genetic predisposition to dementia. AARP's 5 Secrets to Brain Health offers the prescription:+ Eating smart+ Being fit+ Working your mind+ Socializing+ Stressing lessIn this book, you'll find quick tips, research findings, resources, and expert advice to help you stay sharp. And the best news? It's not hard to do or time consuming. And it's not too late to begin.