孙绍振教授,幽默大家,著名文学评论家,祖籍福建长乐。1936年出生,1960年毕业于北京大学中文系,现任福建师范大学教授委员会主任、博士生导师,著有《美的结构》、《新的美学原则在崛起》等著作多部。演讲以幽默、机智、诙谐、犀利见长。《口吐莲花:幽默自我训练50法》这本书荟集作者多年幽默演讲经验,旁征博引,深入浅出,通俗易懂,富有操作性。Odd & True
Trudchen grew up hearing Odette's stories of their monster-slaying mother and a magician's curse. But now that Tru's older, she's starting to wonder if her older sister's tales were just comforting lies, especially because there's nothing fantastic about her own life—permanently disabled and in constant pain from childhood polio. In 1909, after a two-year absence, Od reappears with a suitcase supposedly full of weapons and a promise to rescue Tru from the monsters on their way to attack her. But it's Od who seems haunted by something. And when the sisters' search for their mother leads them to a face-off with the Leeds Devil, a nightmarish beast that's wreaking havoc in the Mid-Atlantic states, Tru discovers the peculiar possibility that she and her sister—despite their dark pasts and ordinary appearances—might, indeed, have magic after all.