Autobiography and Selected Essays
The purpose of the following selections is to present to students of English a few of Huxley is representative essays. Some of these selections are complete; others are extracts. In the latter case, however, they are not extracts in the sense of being incomplete wholes.汇聚授权电子版权。贾樟柯:From文艺范儿To新生代导演
著名作家罗银胜的一部倾力之作,演绎了一个文艺青年的梦想之路,同时也是一本内含文艺见解的轻松读物。记述中国第六代电影导演领军人物贾樟柯的成长历程,以及富有个性的独特导演经历,尤其是对贾樟柯心路历程的描写十分细腻,不少是独家披露,一个文艺青年动人的成长故事跃然纸上,相信一定会勾起曾经或正在抱有文艺梦的青年的追忆和共鸣。 生动展现了贾樟柯对电影、文艺理解的精神世界,让我们认识到,贾樟柯的思考和探索,触及文艺的核心和本质。