美国“现代文库”所评“20世纪百佳英文小说”第十七位。奥普拉读书俱乐部推荐图书。同名改编电影获两项奥斯卡提名。八月漫长沉闷的下午,在隔绝的南部小镇,午夜的咖啡馆中,孤独的人各怀心事:怀揣音乐梦想的少女在成长的阵痛中挣扎,渴望平等的黑人在隐忍与矛盾中郁郁不安,狂热的工人陷在激进的空想中怒火难平,冷静的咖啡馆老板在柜台后暗中观察。这无解的孤独纷纷流向静默无声的哑巴,如谜一般的哑巴心中又藏着何种孤独?Passing On
Booker-Prize winning author Penelope Lively is that rare writer who goes from strength to strength in book after perfectly assured book. In Passing On, she applies her distinctive insight and consummate artistry to the subtle story of a domineering and manipulative mother's legacy to her children. With their mother's death, Helen and Edward, both middle-aged and both unmarried, are left to face the ramifications of their mother's hold on their lives for all of these years. Helen and Edward slowly learn to accept what has been lost in their own lives and embrace what can yet be retrieved. "The richest and most rewarding of her novels." - The Washington Post Book World