本书是作者做情感记者以来记录的情感故事的一部分,每一个都是真实的。也许,讲述这些故事的就是你身边的某一个人,有着埋藏在心底难以与旁人分享的心事。他们的爱情经历或哀伤,或传奇,都是无法抹去的青春记忆——待到回头再看时,会发现:爱情不就是这样吗,跌倒痛了再爬起来。On the Edge of Gone
A thrilling, thought-provoking novel from one of young-adult literature's boldest new talents. January 29, 2035. That's the day the comet is scheduled to hit —the big one. Denise and her mother and sister, Iris, have been assigned to a temporary shelter outside their hometown of Amsterdam to wait out the blast, but Iris is nowhere to be found, and at the rate Denise's drug-addicted mother is going, they'll never reach the shelter in time. A last-minute meeting leads them to something better than a temporary shelter —a generation ship, scheduled to leave Earth behind to colonize new worlds after the comet hits. But everyone on the ship has been chosen because of their usefulness. Denise is autistic and fears that she'll never be allowed to stay. Can she obtain a spot before the ship takes flight? What about her mother and sister? When the future of the human race is at stake, whose lives matter most?情商高,就是会说话(套装共4册)