玉帝逼他做千古一帝! 玉帝制作的《变形记》。“小皇帝”穿成了真皇帝。阿斗与关羽、孙权斗地主, 在斗地主间,樯橹灰飞烟灭! 21世纪的初中生,被玉帝制作的《变形记》选中,重生为扶不起的阿斗。本来只想个无忧无虑的二世祖,没想到玉帝非逼着他做什么千古一帝!他说:让我败家我很在行!可是让我强国——哼哼——那就试试吧!反正有成功的例子可以借鉴,又有那么多伟人的肩膀可以踩。就让我学着牛顿一样,踩在伟人的肩膀上崛起吧! 爱斗地主的初中生重生刘禅后,发现他手里的牌其实是逆天的——只要正确利用好每一张牌,再与东吴暧昧一下,还是能战胜曹操以及司马懿的。回到三国斗地主!最初书名。后面剧情有彩蛋,有激情。敬请关注。Dreamtime
When Jane travels from America to the Australian Outback, she looks forward to adventure, romance, and a new start in life. What she finds is handsome, domineering Scott Farnham--a man whose presence fills her with illicit desire. Scott is aggressively pursuing the wealthy and arrogant Daphne Woolcott, but he makes no secret of his attraction to Jane.In a shocking twist, Scott proposes to Jane instead of Daphne. But as much as she wants him, Jane can't bring herself to trust Scott's intentions. Does he really love her back--or is he only trying to make haughty, beautiful Daphne jealous?