Water in May
Fifteen-year-old Mari Pujols believes that the baby she's carrying will finally mean she' ll have a family member who will love her deeply and won't ever leave her—not like her mama, who took off when she was eight; or her papi, who's in jail; or her abuela, who wants as little to do with her as possible. But when doctors discover a potentially fatal heart defect in the fetus, Mari faces choices she never could have imagined. Surrounded by her loyal girl crew, her off-and-on boyfriend, and a dedicated doctor, Mari navigates a decision that could emotionally cripple the bravest of women. But both Mari and the broken-hearted baby inside her are fighters; and it doesn't take long to discover that this sick baby has the strength to heal an entire family. Inspired by true events, this gorgeous debut has been called “heartfelt, heartbreaking and—yes!—even a little heart-healing, too by bestselling YA novelist Carolyn Mackler.精明女人的消费观(财蜜eMook)
一说到精明消费,就是要像男人一样买东西:精准定位、目不斜视、干脆利落、提起就走——分分钟搞定,省时省力,貌似还省钱。 得了吧,这种所谓“精明”的消费,怎能跟女人买东西的各种强大逻辑抗衡。女人千奇百怪的消费观,比你想象的复杂多了。 彪悍的妹纸,玩的就是渣范儿;剁手党妹纸,要的就是边喊剁手边用脚下单的热乎劲儿;至于精明消费的姑娘,那是把钱和生活品味能完美平衡的女神;当然还有一种,千帆过尽、返璞归真,断、舍、离之后,要的就是境界。 说白了,消费观体现的就是价值观。这世界变化这么快,作为一年到头三观被毁无数次的青年,读这期周刊,不过是再被毁一次而已。