安珀处于内外交困之中。一方面是那条不祥的黑路,它穿过各个影子世界。来自黑暗的力量沿着这条黑路,攻打它们以往绝不可能染指的安珀。另一方面,安珀的诸位王子公主之间互相猜忌,结成一个个阴谋小集团。有的拥兵自立,有的对这一切漠不关心,有的甚至求助于来自黑路的黑暗力量。科温苦苦支撑困局,并力图找出这一切的真相。困境之中,独角兽出现了。安珀的神兽指引科温,将他带到安珀的源头。那里,等待着他的,到底是什么呢?Arcanum 101
Fifteen-year-old Tomas Torres, the son of an immigrant family who are just barely making it, gets picked up by the police for doing some work for the local padrone (collector). For this work, Tomas has made $1000 a week, a lot of money by anyone's count. But what is the work? What is Tomas arrested for? Arson, but arson that cannot be explained. Tomas has a most unusual gift: he is a fire-starter--he can start fires with sheer force of will that flame from the tips of his fingers. More, he can will fireballs to hurl at his enemies or opponents, and he can incinerate any evidence. But the courts decide they have enough to convict young Tomas and send him off to a school (which Tomas believes to be a kind of jail): St. Rhiannon's School for the Gifted and Exceptional Student.思考术:解开你与生俱来的能量密码