恒山历史悠久,文化灿烂,集自然风光与人文景观于一体,并以其拔峙雄浑的气势,绵延奔腾于北国万山峻岭之间。自然风光、人文景观、宗教信仰、民间传说、名人典故、风土民俗、艺术戏曲等无不成景,简直浑然天成,独具特色魅力。House of Ash
After hearing voices among an eerie copse of trees in the woods, seventeen-year-old Curtis must confront his worst fear: that he has inherited his father's mental illness. A desperate search for answers leads him to discover Gravenhearst, a labyrinth mansion that burned down in 1894. When he locks eyes with a steely Victorian girl in a forgotten mirror, he's sure she's one of the fire's victims. If he can unravel the mystery, he can save his sanity … and possibly the girl who haunts his dreams. But more than 100 years in the past, the girl in the mirror is fighting her own battles. When her mother disappears and her sinister stepfather reveals his true intentions, Mila and her sister fight to escape Gravenhearst and unravel the house's secrets—before it devours them both.5~7岁孩子爱读的性格启蒙故事