本书从联合国人权理事会UPR这一独特视角,通过梳理和分析中国接受第一、二轮审议时形成的国家报告、联合国信息汇编、利益攸关方报告、各国问题清单和工作组报告,系统总结中国第一轮审议以来在人权保护方面取得的最新进展和尚存在的问题,并且根据第二轮审议时各参与国提出的建议,对即将到来的第三轮审议中中国面临的新旧问题做出预判,并提出相应的应对策略和方法,以期为中国顺利接受第三轮UPR提供现实的和现成的解决方案。Winter Kills
President Timothy Kegan is assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Philadelphia; a single shooter is caught and convicted. Fourteen years later, the slain President's brother, Nick, hears a deathbed confession that upends everything he thought he knew about his brother's death. In a desperate rush to find the real killer, Nick must navigate the murky waters of a conspiracy that involves the CIA, oil barons, the police force, movie stars, and people at the highest level of government.A gripping political thriller, this book contains disturbing echoes of the Kennedy Assassination. Rife with political intrigue, it addresses many mysteries that remain unsolved in the real life JFK case--and it's sure to keep you turning pages.雾锁峨眉:蒋介石谋取四川纪实