Door into the Dark
Originally published in 1969, Seamus Heaney's Door into the Dark continues a furrow so startlingly opened in his first collection, Death of a Naturalist (1966). With the sensuosness and physicality of language that would become the hallmark of his early writing, these poems graphically depict the author's rural upbringing, from the local forge to the banks of Lough Neagh, concluding in the preserving waters of the bogland and a look ahead to his next book, Wintering Out (1972).那个你深爱着的人
【古言女强+双洁+绝宠】 她,自幼天赋异禀,能穿梭于时空未来。可一觉醒来,异能消失,被困于此?没关系,照样翻手为云覆手为雨!后母渣妹组团来战?竖着进,横着出!皇帝皇后身中奇毒?仙丹出手,医毒双绝,天下无双!这日子真寂寞,一碟小菜混小酒,金银财宝全到手!“可叹可叹,这世间有谁比我更逍遥?”