本书讲述了作者萨德·休斯与一位中国姑娘喜结连理的真实故事。2005年2月,作者萨德·休斯第一次来到中国重庆,想要体验当地的文化、美食,了解当地的风土人情。萨德的一位华裔好友,给他牵了一次并不成功的线。受到这个感情挫折,在一段自我疗伤期之后,萨德又回到中国,再觅佳人。在分别和几位中国姑娘约会后,他最终俘获了自己梦中情人的芳心,并得到了未来丈母娘,以及女方家人、朋友的接纳。最后这对异国情侣在重庆举行了一场盛大的中式婚礼,一年后他们喜得贵子,一家人远赴美国过上了幸福的生活。The Golden Ass
Lucius Apuleius, a young man of good parentage, takes a trip to Thessaly. Along the way, amidst a series of bizarre adventures, he inadvertently offends a priestess of the White Goddess, who promptly turns him into an ass. How Lucius responds to his new misfortune, and ultimately finds a way to become human again, makes for a funny and fascinating tale.The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, referred to by St. Augustine as The Golden Ass, is the oldest novel written in Latin to survive in its entirety. Originally written by Lucius of Patrae, this translation by Robert Graves highlights the ribald humor and vivid sense of adventure present in the original. Providing a rare window in to the daily lives of regular people in ancient Greece, Robert Graves' translation of this classic tale is at once hilarious, informative, and captivating.