你一定不愿意,也不甘心过那样的生活。看着身边那些好命的女人,一个个都拥有精彩的人生,你努力地装作若无其事,但却很难真正做到淡定。你也想做那个光鲜靓丽的幸运儿,你也想做那个心想事成的好命女。张爱玲说过“出名要趁早”,其实博“好命”也要趁早。早一天博得“好命”,就能早一天享受丰赡的人生。Before He Takes (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 4)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 800 five star reviews), comes book #4 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE TAKES (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 4), newly minted FBI agent Mackenzie White is ordered to take on a new and disturbing case. Women are going missing in rural Iowa, and a pattern is emerging. It is feared a serial killer is on a rampage, his pace increasing. Given her Midwestern roots, Mackenzie is chosen as the perfect fit.