&巾帼不让须眉征文比赛参赛作品&强取良家妇女?过时了。豪夺青楼小倌?还是过时了。要问什么最新最流行,就是:抢郎君!抢个好郎君在家,胜过嫁入宫门似海。可是谁能告诉我,好郎君什么样?爹爹,你抢回来的是太子!女儿,落难的太子也是人……~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“如果我落难了,被美女搭救,我以身相许,从此琴瑟和谐~~~多好~~~~~”—————————————————————————“殿下……想不想纳个妃子?”“……”“哼,谅你也不敢!”“……”“你是老娘抢回来的老公,想娶小老婆……没门!”“夫人说的是……”Why I Fly Fish
Chris Santella, bestselling author of the Fifty Places series, is back in action with the inspirational gift book Why I Fly Fish. Based on 25 interviews with fly-fishing professionals and celebrity hobbyists alike, Why I Fly Fish encapsulates the life lessons fly-fishing aficionados have learned from their favorite pursuit. Featured contributors include Donald Trump Jr., Bill Ford (CEO of Ford Motor Company), Conway Bowman (host of several flyfishing TV programs), actor Henry Winkler, Lefty Kreh (the world's best-known fly-fisherman) and many more. With personal photographs by the contributors themselves, Why I Fly Fish is an inspirational and intimate reflection on the beloved sport and pastime.爱情呼叫转移(闪小说幽默篇)