娇憨可爱的李无忧是陇西王府的小郡主,父母和兄长宠爱她如掌上明珠,日子过得十分安逸。然而好景不长,机缘巧合之下,她发现自己不但不是王爷夫妇的亲骨肉,还会在紧急情况下变身毛茸茸、胖乎乎的白狼。人哉?妖哉?娇贵郡主一夜之间沦落为废柴妖怪,还被腹黑兄长起名“二狗子”,打发去冷宫看大门……冷宫的日子清冷却也闲适,直到某日一位高贵冷艳的少年私闯王府。他自称大理寺暗部的刺客,奉命带无忧去神都洛阳调查一件神秘悬案,无忧郡主的崭新人生就此揭开!九鼎神器、狐狸美人、地下鬼城、无面人偶……疑点重重,谁才是幕后真凶?Field Work
At the centre of this collection, which includes groups of elegies and love poems, there is a short sonnet sequence which concentrates themes apparent elsewhere in the book: the individual's responsibility for his own choices, the artist's commitment to his vocation, the vulnerability of all in the face of circumstance and death. 'Throughout the volume Heaney's outstanding gifts, his eye, his ear, his understanding of the poetic language are on display - this is a book we cannot do without.' Martin Dodsworth, GuardianTo the Ends of the Earth
This is a one-volume edition of this classic sequence of sea novels set in the early nineteenth century, about a voyage from England to Australia. Rites of Passage (Winner of the Booker Prize) "e;The work of a master at the full stretch of his age and wisdom."e; (The Times Close Quarters). "e;A feat of imaginative reconstruction, as vivid as a dream."e; (Daily Mail Fire Down Below). "e;Laden to the waterline with a rich cargo of practicalities and poetry, pain and hilarity, drama and exaltation."e; (Sunday Times).