某燕友情推荐:http://m.wkkk.net/a/39949/《长门殿(网络版)》文/古晶后妈古晶,无数帅哥奉送。http://m.wkkk.net/a/44866/《初唐挽歌》文/龙胆花http://m.wkkk.net/a/31076/《三生石上旧精魂》文/龙胆花http://m.wkkk.net/a/26400/清梦(清宫文)》文/龙胆花《清梦》及《三生》是八爷党的文文,燕子是死忠八爷党,这个链接一定要做。《初唐》是龙胆花姐姐新作,自然要顶。The Uncanny Express (The Unintentional Adventures
Jaundice and Kale are back from their adventure on the high seas, and they are settling back into a quiet life in Dullsville, just the way they like it. The tea is tepid, the oatmeal is tasteless, and the socks are ripe for darning … until Aunt Shallot shows up and reveals herself to be anything but the dull relation they were expecting. Instead, she tells her nieces she is Magique, Queen of Magic, and she's on her way to a big show and in need of two willing assistants. As Magique and the Bland sisters board the Uncanny Express, they meet a cast of mystifying characters. And when Magique goes missing, it's up to Jaundice and Kale to solve the mystery—with the help of famous detective Hugo Fromage. An inventive story in the tradition of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, TheUnintentional Adventures of the Bland Sisters: The Uncanny Express has all the whimsy and humor that readers who are looking for an anything-but-bland adventure will love.