现代二十一世纪的美艳商业奇才,佣兵界翘楚,却因意外离奇穿越到一个架空的世界。在这个武力为上强者为尊的大陆,一出生就被天命所困的她,更是在周岁测试出废材体质的她,惨遭家族抛弃,被扔到一个偏远的城镇任她自生自灭。天命?哼!我命由我不由天!废柴?不能修炼?看我不闪瞎尔等的钛合金狗眼!练武力,习药理,开青楼,养杀手,哼!只有你想不到没有天才做不到!这才是该有的快意人生,不过,谁能告诉我,旁边这个面容冷酷,眼神却能溺死人的绝色美人是谁?怎么到哪儿都能遇上他!A Kiss and a Promise
Once, Judith Sommerville and Alexis Vasilis were engaged. But that was a long time ago, and when Judith takes the position of caretaker to Alexis' young nephew, she believes their past will not interfere with her job. But Alexis has different plans. Even though their relationship has been over for years, he still wants Judith--and his kisses fill her with raging desire. But marriage is no longer on the table--or is it?