“女人可以不美丽,但不能缺少智慧。”女人的漂亮是天生的,魅力却是后天雕琢和磨砺的结果,学识、智慧以及才情是滋养魅力最重要的养料。对女人来讲,仅有美丽和智慧是不够的,更需要有健康的心理,让自己做到独立、智慧、潇洒、漂亮、健康一应俱有。所以,女性朋友在给外表美容的同时,不妨也给心理做个美容。本书从做善良女人、做自信女人、做温柔女人、做魅力女人、做坚强女人、做快乐女人等六个方面给女性提供的心理呵护,让女性在拥有一个健康身体的同时也拥有一个健康的心理,从而做一个健康而完整的女人。Before He Preys (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 9)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes BEFORE HE PREYS, book #9 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White finds herself stumped. Victims are turning up dead, unrecognizable, their bodies hurled from the highest of heights. A deranged serial killer, obsessed with heights, is killing his victims from the highest locations. The pattern seems random.But is it?Only by entering into the darkest canals of the killer's mind can Mackenzie begin to understand what his motive is—and where he will strike next. In a deadly chase of cat and mouse, Mackenzie drives herself to the brink to stop him—but even then, it may be too late.A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, BEFORE HE PREYS is book #9 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night.