For as long as Emmeline can remember, she's longed to leave the isolated world of the settlement and explore the wilderness that calls to her in her dreams. And now that the Council has fallen, she will finally, finally get that chance. With First Peoples guide Matisa at her side, Emmeline rallies a brave group to join her on her quest into the unknown, including her beloved Kane and his two younger brothers. But the journey soon proves far more dangerous than Emmeline anticipated—with warring clans, slavers, colonists, disease, and natural disasters seemingly at every turn. After putting so many lives in danger, she starts to doubt everything she once knew. Did she make the right choice to leave the settlement—and can her relationship with Kane survive the ordeal? Matisa insists that to set things right and to fight the evil that is bringing all this danger and turmoil to the forest, Emmeline must journey to Matisa's people—even if that means leaving Kane behind.西藏岁月系列丛书·喜马拉雅丰碑
本书共三个部分,上下篇及附文。上篇《极地英雄》主要讲述了人民解放军先遣连进入西藏、解放西藏的一些事件。在严寒、缺氧、食物和水短缺、高山反应等困难面前,先遣连的官兵一次又一次的突破生命的极限,完成了上级交代的任务。先遣连的官兵们用生命换来了进藏后续部队的顺利进军;用温情和无私奉献打动了藏胞;用睿智稳定住了西藏的反动势力。《西藏岁月系列丛书:喜马拉雅丰碑》主要讲述了堆拉雷达站、甘巴拉雷达站、亚东边防派出所的一些感人事迹,显示出了新时期西藏边防工作的重要性,讴歌了新时期边防官兵的英雄主义精神;附文则介绍了地球第三极的绿飘带“一江两河”工程的建设及给西藏地区带来的繁荣和作者在加查采访的纪实,真切朴实。The Lesson of the Master