从进入高中的那一刻起,苏筝的命运就和顾攸宁联系在了一起。对未来迷茫的她,因为他,找到了自己需要的信念。可是在苏筝觉得生活充满希望的时候,母亲的离逝,和他的背叛,让她的生活跌入谷底。当误会逐渐揭晓,他们又何去何从Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie
I had a bad August. A very bad August. As bad as pickle juice on a cookie. Eleanor's beloved babysitter, Bibi, is moving away. Suddenly, the things she used to enjoy aren't fun anymore —everything reminds her of Bibi. To make matters worse, Eleanor has a new babysitter, who just isn't the same. But as the new school year looms ahead, so do new beginnings. And Eleanor is about to learn some special things about herself, friendship, and the bittersweet process of growing up.你不可不知的对抗疲劳100招