掌命之神战无命被害,跌落凡间,神性尽失。若欲重返天道,必须从凡人开始修炼,百战成帝,千战成神,登顶战神巅峰;跻身仙界,历劫成帝,净化神兽鲲鹏血脉;飞升神界,修得五行圆满,九道大成,掌控天地规则,破碎虚空,方能重返天道。如若百世之内,战无命无法凭借自己的能力返回道界,那等待他的就是魂飞魄散。轮回路上的九十九世,战无命都生活在莫氏家族的阴影之下,莫氏家族,一个无人知晓却无处不在的神秘家族,上抵神界,下达凡间,遍布各大星域,渗入各大宗门。战无命每一次历劫成神登顶巅峰之时,就会被神秘的莫家人打下神坛,噬其命魂圆满自身。战无命与莫家有宿世杀身灭族之仇,仇深似海、不死不休!Hot Gates and Other Occasional Pieces
This is a dazzling collection of occasional writings by the Nobel Prize-winning novelist on subjects ranging from Thermopylae to the English Channel, and from Coral Island to Jules Verne. "e;A book of occasional essays which afford us many fascinating insights into Golding the man…It is highly individual yet profoundly modest; it has an unusual, slightly angular candour, full of painful knowledge and a beautiful humanity …event the slightest piece bears the mark of his rare, austere mind, his remarkable imagination…Even these occasional essays are enough to remind us that …there is not, at the moment, a writer to touch him"e;. (New Society).