《总经理决胜市场要懂的188条锦囊妙计》基于公司成长和发展成功的经典案例,全景式地论述私营公司做大做强的黄金法则,从公司的创立到发展、从市场到营销、从人才到管理、从危机处理到经营方略……全面系统、深入浅出地分析了公司决胜未来,创造长续发展可能的各个层面,解决了公司在经营过程中可能遇到的诸多问题,为总经理提供了最有实战价值的指南,让公司永立不败之地。处世三不:不生气 不抱怨 不折腾
人际交往和职场生存的三大利器。不生气:在遇到烦恼和不愉快的时候,我们是一直被这个烦恼所困扰而生气,整日沉浸在痛苦中,还是忘掉它,把烦恼和不愉快抛到脑后?不言自明,不生气是处世的一大智慧。不抱怨:抱怨是最消耗能量的无益举动,抱怨自己的人,应该试着学习接纳自己,抱怨他人的人,应该试着把抱怨转成请求;抱怨老天的人,请试着用祈祷的方式来诉求我们的愿望。不折腾:不要没事找事,无事生非;不要朝令夕改,忽左忽右,不要翻来倒去,改来改去;不要重复做一些无意义、无关联、不必要的事情。不折腾,就是忠于事业;不折腾,就是有所作为;不折腾,就是努力工作;不折腾,就是专注目标!Love Like Theirs (The Romance Chronicles—Book #4)
"LOVE LIKE THIS creates a world of emotions and turmoil, describing superbly the mind of a young lady (Keira) and her struggles to balance her social life and her career. Sophie Love is a natural storyteller. LOVE LIKE THIS is very well written and edited, and I highly recommend it to the permanent library of all readers that appreciate a romance that can be savored during a weekend."--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)LOVE LIKE THEIRS (The Romance Chronicles—Book #4) is book #4 in a new, sweet romance series by #1 bestselling author Sophie Love. The series begins with LOVE LIKE THIS (Book #1), a free download!Keira Swanson, 28, has sworn off of love. With her heart still hurting from her breakups with Cristiano and Shane, she will not allow her magazine to use her for another love experiment.