The Midwich Cuckoos
John Wyndham's 1957 book The Midwich Cuckoos is better known by the more sensational title of its two film adaptations, Village of the Damned. The story begins with Richard and Janet Gayford who have spent the night of September 26 in London, returning to their home in Midwich the following day. Then, in ways that are difficult to pin down, the village seems changed--not quite the same place that it was before. The nightmare that descends on Midwich has dire implications for the rest of the world; whatever dwells there is sowing the seeds for a master race of ruthless and inhumane creatures who are bent on nothing less than absolute and total domination.随身空间:重生女修仙
人生犹如蜡烛一般,死了就像灭了一般,消失的无影无踪。可是,她偏偏却像小强一样,死了然后又活了。身世神秘,千世轮回,万般劫难,终成正果。他冷酷无情,狠辣无心,却偏偏将她一人置于心间脑海,除了她此生无求。种族覆灭,差点灰飞烟灭,单凭着一股惊人的意志,她靠残魄重生。这一世,她必如凤凰涅槃,笑傲天下。 包月新书《天降横财一千亿》求收,求评,求围观。刁蛮PK冷酷:和亲丫鬟