温晴就像一个落了水的人,这时候她无论抓着什么都能当救命稻草紧抓不放,而不幸的是她抓住了我。小五的这篇文章像是点燃了一支香烟,在袅袅升起的烟雾里我们可以看到田红的妩媚,温晴的摇摆,李木木的勇敢,陈建仁的人如其名和主人公的情感挣扎,尽管读了这篇太现实的小说后会对友情爱情有些失望,但仍如同上了烟瘾,禁不住一直品味下去。我们可能会有些讨厌温晴脚踏两只船还一副楚楚可怜的样子,但是温晴说到“我还不知道你?你这人懒得连送花都不愿意多花心思,多少年了就知道九朵玫瑰加四枝百合,都不带换个花样的”这句话时又忍不住琢磨到底问题是在温晴身上还是在大尾巴狼身上,但爱情是一辈子的生意。人生三篇:做人 做事 做领导
This richly imagined alternate history will appeal to fans of Delirium, Wither, and The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Emmeline and Matisa have arrived at the land of Matisa's people, but the Dominion's troops are moving in. Matisa's people have prepared for battle, but the Dominion's weapons are brutal. To secure their survival, they will need something so important the Dominion will have to leave them in peace. Matisa and Em think they know what they need: the remedy to the Bleed, a deadly sickness. To find it, Em will have to go back to the stifling settlement she'd spent her whole life trying to escape. But she's no longer the Stained girl she once was —and she's not going down without a fight.