罗烽,原名傅乃琦。作家。曾任中华全国文艺界抗敌协会延安分会第 一届主席、陕甘宁边区政府文化工作委员会常委兼秘书长、中共中央东北局宣传部文委委员、东北文艺家协会代主任、中共旅大特区委员会文委书 记。建国后,历任东北人民政府文化部副部长兼秘书长,东北文联、中国作协东北分会第一副主席,中国作协第一、二届理事,中国作协顾问。著 有短篇小说集《呼兰河边》,中篇小说集《粮食》,剧本《台儿庄》、《总动员》。本书是罗烽与夫人白朗的传记。与神为友
来吧,坐下来聊聊天,让我们成为朋友。终于不再孤单,需要帮助时永远不会孤立无援。婚姻终结、事业停顿、健康恶化,他曾一度游走在慢性抑郁症边缘。尼尔·唐纳德·沃尔什在这本书里写下自己的故事。他小时候特别喜欢弹钢琴,遭到父亲无情扼杀;当厌班的情绪高涨时,意外被“绑架”;大火之后身无分文,求助前妻却被拒之门外,因一份特别的礼物,重启人生。如果说,《与神对话》像导师,帮我们重新认识自己,以及和这个世界、宇宙的关系,那么,这本书则更像是知己,娓娓道来,提供具体解决方法。他的故事,或许也是我们共同的故事,愿我们都能清醒地生活着。Dropping Ashes on the Buddha
Somebody comes into the Zen center with a lighted cigarette, walks up to the Buddha statue, blows smoke in its face, and drops ashes on its lap. You are standing there. What can you do? This is a problem that Zen Master Seung Sahn is fond of posing to his American students who attend his Zen centers. Dropping Ashes on the Buddha is a delightful, irreverent, and often hilariously funny living record of the dialogue between Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn and his American students. Consisting of dialogues, stories, formal Zen interviews, Dharma speeches, and letters using the Zen Master's actual words in spontaneous, living interaction with his students, this book is a fresh presentation of the Zen teaching method of instant dialogue between Master and student which, through the use of astonishment and paradox, leads to an understanding of ultimate reality.