

Sage flew through the air, into the breaking dawn, the first rays of sun lighting up a tear on his cheek that he quickly brushed away. He was exhausted, bleary-eyed from flying all night, searching for Scarlet.He was sure he'd spotted her many times during the night, only to swoop down on some strange girl, shocked to see him land, and take off again.He was beginning to wonder if he would ever find her.

Scarlet was nowhere to be found, and Sage could not understand it. Their connection was so strong, he was sure that he would be able to sense her, that she would lead him to her.He couldn't understand what had happened.Had she died?

Sage's only guess was that perhaps she was in such an emotional state, all her senses were blocked, and he was unable to pick up on her location;or maybe she had fallen into a deep sleep, as vampires were known to do after the first time they fed on a human. That could be deadly for some, he knew, and his heart pained at the thought of her out there, who knew where, all alone.Would she ever wake up?

Sage flew low, flying so fast he was undetected, passing by all the familiar places he had gone with her—their school, her house, everywhere he could think of—using his laser-like vision to comb the trees and the streets for her.

As the sun rose higher and hour after hour passed, Sage finally knew there was no use searching anymore. He would have to wait until she surfaced, or until he could detect her again.

Sage was exhausted in a way he had never been before. He could feel his life force beginning to ebb away.He knew he only had days to go now until he himself died, and as he felt another pain in his chest and arms and shoulders, he felt that he was dying inside.He knew he would soon leave this earth—and he had made peace with that.He only wanted to spend his final days with Scarlet.

With nowhere left to search, Sage circled and flew over to his family's sweeping estate on the Hudson, looking at it down below. He circled again and again, like an eagle, wondering:should he see them one last time?He didn't know what would be the point.They all hated him now for not bringing Scarlet to them;and he had to admit, he hated them, too.The last time he left, his sister had been dying in his arms, and Lore had been on his way to try to kill Scarlet.He did not want to face them again.

And yet he had nowhere else to go.

As he flew, Sage heard a banging, and he looked down and saw several of his cousins holding up boards to the windows and hammering. One by one, they were boarding up their ancestral mansion, and Sage spotted several dozen of his cousins taking off in flight.He was intrigued.Clearly, something was happening.

Sage had to find out. A part of him wanted to know where they were going, what would become of his family—and a bigger part of him wanted to know if they had any idea where Scarlet was.Maybe one of them had seen or heard something.Maybe Lore had captured her.He had to know;it was the only lead he had.

Sage dove down for his family's estate, landing in the back marble courtyard, before the grand steps leading up to the rear entranceway comprised of tall, antique French doors.

As he approached them, they suddenly opened, and he saw his mother and father step forward, facing him with a stern, disapproving look.

“What are you doing back here?”his mother asked, as if he were an unwelcome intruder.

“You've killed us once,”his father said.“Our people could have survived if it weren't for you. Have you come to kill us again?”

Sage frowned;he was so sick of his parents'disapproval.

“Where are you all going?”Sage demanded.

“Where do you think?”his father retorted.“They've convened the Grand Council for the first time in one thousand years.”

Sage looked back, shocked.

“Boldt Castle?”he asked.“You are going to the Thousand Islands?”

His parents scowled back.

“What do you care?”his mother said.

Sage couldn't believe what he was hearing. The Grand Council hadn't convened since what felt like the beginning of time, and for all of their kind to gather together in one place, it could not be good.

“But why?”he asked.“Why convene, if we're all going to die anyway?”

His father stepped forward and smiled as he raised a finger and jabbed it in Sage's chest.

“We're not like you,”he growled.“We're not going down without a fight. Ours will be the greatest army ever known, the first time we've all assembled in one place.Mankind will pay.We will take our vengeance.”

“Vengeance for what?”Sage asked.“Mankind has done nothing to you. Why would you hurt innocent people?”

His father smiled back.

“Stupid to the end,”he said.“Why wouldn't we?What have we left to lose?What are they going to do, kill us?”

His father laughed, and his mother joined him, as the two of them linked arms and walked past him, bumping his shoulders roughly, preparing to take off in flight.

Sage yelled after them:“I remember a time when you were noble,”he said.“But now, you are nothing. You are less than nothing.Is this what desperation does to you?”

They turned and grimaced.

“Your problem, Sage, is that while you are one of us, you have never understood our kind. Destruction is all we've ever wanted.It is only you, only you who has been different.”

“You are the child we never understood,”his mother said.“And you've never failed to disappoint us.”

Sage felt a pain course through him, felt too weak to respond.

As they turned to leave, Sage, gasping, mustered the strength to yell:“Scarlet!Where is she?Tell me!”

His mother turned and smiled wide.

“Oh, don't you worry about her,”his mother said.“Lore will find her, and rescue us all. Or he will die trying.And when we live on, don't you dare think there will be a place for you.”

Sage reddened.

“I hate you!”he yelled.“I hate you both!”

His parents merely turned, smiling, stepped up onto the marble railing, and took off into the sky.

Sage stood there and watched them go, disappearing into the sky, as the remainder of his cousins joined them. He stood there, all alone, before his boarded-up ancestral home, with nothing here left for him.His family hated him—and he hated them back.

Lore. Sage felt a fresh burst of determination as he thought of him.He could not let him find Scarlet.Despite all the pain inside him, he knew he had to muster the strength one last time.He had to find Scarlet.

Or die trying.

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