帝王将相,终有一死,有些人修道,是为求脱离生老病死,长生不灭。<br/>千乘铁骑,敌不过天威,有些人修道,是为追求超越旁人的力量。睥睨天下.<br/>天地玄妙,星辰浩瀚,有些人修道,是为追寻本源,参透宇宙奥妙。超脱三界六道.<br/> 天地之间,肉身的结构,神通的奥秘,逍遥自在的长生者,傲世苍生的永生者,睥睨天下的祖神,超脱三界六道的不灭者!<br/> 一个卑微的生灵,怎么样一步步炼就不灭之体?<br/> 人间的爱恨情仇,恩怨纠葛,神界的争斗,尽在《异世之欲血修罗》。
米佳从小就备受争议和嘲讽,某天从家里逃跑的米佳误入酒吧不小心喝醉被陌生人带进酒店却不慎走错了房间成了L市最危险的冷情总裁的一夕恋人……可谁知两人竟被爆出原是同父异母的亲兄妹,而此时,米佳发现自己怀孕了……Cuckoo Song
Read this thought-provoking, critically acclaimed novel from Frances Hardinge, winner of the Costa Book of the Year and Costa Children's Book Awards for The Lie Tree. When Triss wakes up after an accident, she knows something is very wrong. She is insatiably hungry, her sister seems scared of her, and her parents whisper behind closed doors. She looks through her diary to try to remember, but the pages have been ripped out. Soon Triss discovers that what happened to her is more strange and terrible than she could ever have imagined, and that she is quite literally not herself. In a quest to find the truth she must travel into the terrifying underbelly of the city to meet a twisted architect who has dark designs on her family—before it's too late … Set in England after World War I, this is a brilliantly creepy but ultimately loving story of the relationship between two sisters who have to band together against a world where nothing is as it seems.