以廉价的租金住进了豪华的公寓,她本以为是拣到了大便宜,却不想是误入狼窝。神秘的帅气包租公,腹黑又毒舌。阴差阳差的一次,她留下几个月的房租欠条带着腹中的宝宝落荒而逃。六年之后再次相遇,他化身帝国集团大BOSS,却伪装成她的跟班小助理,养狼为患,步步为营,她却终究逃不出他的魔掌。欠了六年的租金,连本带利,他要的可不是那么一点点。A Native's Return, 1945-1988
The third in a three-volume series, this edition chronicles the life of noted journalist, historian, and author William Shirer-a witness to the rise of the Third Reich. Here, Shirer recounts his return to Berlin after its defeat, his shocking firing by CBS News, and his final visit to Paris sixty years after he first lived there as a cub reporter in the 1920s. It paints a bittersweet picture of his final decades, friends lost to old age, and a changing world.More personal than the first two volumes, this final installment takes an unflinching look at the author's own struggles after World War II-and his vindication after the publication of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, his most acclaimed work. It also provides intimate details of his often-troubled marriage. This book gives readers a surprising and moving account of the last years of a true historian-and an important witness to history.腹黑帝君忙宠妃:野凤凰撩夫