Batman has Robin, Wonder Woman has Wonder Girl, and Phantom Justice has Bright Boy, a.k.a. Scott Hutchinson, an ordinary schoolkid by day and a superfast, superstrong sidekick by night, fighting loyally next to his hero. But after an embarrassing incident involving his too-tight spandex costume, plus some signs that Phantom Justice may not be the good guy he pretends to be, Scott begins to question his role. With the help of a fellow sidekick, once his nemesis, Scott must decide if growing up means being loyal or stepping boldly to the center of things. Great for boys, comics fans, and anyone looking for a superhero tale that's also an insightful look at adolescence.逆转千金重生之强势归来
前世,她被继母,继妹设计陷害,死于深海,阴差阳错下,借由海公主的身体再而复活,拥有逆天的修炼天赋,上古神器手到擒来。“哼,你是谁啊?”继妹趾高气扬的指着沐云玫呵斥道。女主伸手一挥,一股强横的气势将她打倒在地。“妹妹,你说我是谁呢?”女主邪魅的抬起继妹的下巴,目光冰冷。前世的债,今世偿必十倍还之。看女主重生之强势归来,这是一部玄幻,重生,都市为一体的混合体小说哦~~ 群聊号:877476461