In 1982, before Matheson had fully achieved the cult-and-grandmaster status that he enjoys today, Playboy Press published a version of his erotic ghost story that was so severely edited that Matheson took his name off the book and instead published it under the name Logan Swanson.In this restored version of the original manuscript, David and Ellen Cooper's 21-year-old marriage is nearing the rocks, so they decide to leave Los Angeles for a honeymoon and go to Long Island. Soon after they arrive at their beach cottage, a strange woman, Marianna, appears to David, and he is immediately entranced.程小姐,谢谢你的出现
初见的时候,我们混哥叼着根棒棒糖,纨绔的走到女主大大面前,从口袋里拿出一支他最爱的甜橙味棒棒糖递过去“橙橙,要吃棒棒糖吗?” 多年后再见时,我们混哥变成了怂货,就想避着她走,不想让他自己不堪的模样被喜欢的姑娘瞧去。 “橙橙,我求你了,别再找我了好吗?” “不行,贺慕章是你先招惹我的,现在就别想甩开我。”曾经软软糯糯的小女孩如今也敢大胆的在心爱的人面前娇横。 改过自新ing星二代X才气666软萌作家