2018年度唐嫣、罗晋主演热门青春大剧《归去来》同名小说,5月14日东方卫视、北京卫视热播,优酷、腾讯、爱奇艺同步网播。《归去来》电视剧主创团队为本书倾情寄语,唐嫣:“萧瑟雨歇,清风如沐,归去终归来。我很期待打开这本书的那一刻。”罗晋:“左手囹圄,右手桎梏。书澈选择了心之所向,你呢?”《归去来》为聚焦新时代留学生奋斗与归来的青春励志作品,关于他们的迷失和出走,觉醒与归来,自我的再造与实现。归去来兮,田园将芜胡不归?AARP's Drive Smart
Driving isn't what it used to be. Today you're facing new rules of the road, distracted drivers, and updated technologies-entertainment and GPS navigation systems, ringing cell phones and beeping texts-that demand you take your eyes from the road, despite the hazards.That's why AARP Driver Safety-the program that offers the nation's first and largest driver improvement course for drivers age 50 and older-offers Drive Smart: How to Stay Safe-and Save Money.This e-book provides expert advice on today's traffic rules, driving conditions, vehicle technologies, and the dangers presented by other drivers. You'll find-* More than 125 tips to refresh your knowledge of the rules of the road* Recommendations to help you save money on auto insurance, fuel, and other driving-related expenses* Strategies to help you avoid distractions, drive safely in inclement weather and recognize when it may be time for a loved one to stop driving