她是大宋骄纵的沁福帝姬,兵临城下,她替兄出使金营议和,惨遭金国元帅凌辱,毁去清白……为亲人为家国,她曲意承欢,强颜欢笑,忍泪成为金帅的宠妾,却在金营遇见心爱的石头哥哥。她随石头哥哥出逃,换得至亲被掳,身受万般折磨,国破家亡,山河变色。而昔日恋人变成冷血的仇敌,从容走开,海誓山盟消逝。在叔侄之间挣扎,在缠绵悱恻中煎熬,爱恨纠缠,凤凰为谁所囚?Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die
What is the most unforgettable place you've ever taken a refreshing sip of a cold beer? In Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die, Chris Santella explores the best destinations to crack open a cold one, reflect on the day, and take in the scenery. The book features the world's top locations for imbibing, from beautiful landscapes to beer festivals, breweries, classic drinking establishments, and brand-new, under-the-radar spots. With a mix of national and international places to visit —Asheville, Denver, Prague, Munich, Vienna, and more —as well as firsthand accounts from contributors such as Jim Koch (founder of Boston Brewing Company/Samuel Adams) and Joe Wiebe (author of CraftBeer Revolution), this book will make you want to trek to each must-see destination. Packed with beautiful, vibrant photographs that bring each locale to life, Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die will leave you craving barley and hops and eagerly planning your next trip.盛世狂妃:冰山上神宠妻无度